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Corazón cura corazón
I began practicing my path with our traditional medicine of curanderismo at age 7. The feminine luna energy found their way to me then, and has since guided her practice. As a child, pregnant women came to me asking to read their energy and determine the gender of their baby. I used my intuition, the tools of a red thread and needle, and the messages from my ancestors to communicate to the mother of the baby. I would tell them if it was a boy, girl or "los dos." I do acknowledge, today, then I did not have the language for the two-spirit or gender non-binary baby, so at times I would have to tell the mother in my youthful vocabulary, “son los dos,” or they hold both genders.
One thing I do know now is that I am undeniably connected to my ancestors, madre tierra , madre luna and I am humbled and honored that they choose to speak through and to me. My calling has since stayed with me, and has expanded into my sacred practice of platica, corazonadas, lipias, blessing and Reiki healing. I have studied with maestras in Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, and Austin, TX. My practice consists of working with hierbas, energy, platica, movement and a keen ear to the spirits of our madre tierra and our ancestors. With the efforts of clients, and our ancestors, I work to realign and balance energy that can often times cause illness.
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